Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Quarantine Blues

Here I am again, writing on this blog. Even if no one reads it, I don't know, I still find writing to be one of the best therapeutic steps especially these days that I am super bored. Luckily for me, I am on quarantine again. Yep, quarantine. And that's because of this COVID thingy that hit me the second time around.

It's been so long since I've written here, and there's so many things that already happened. For one, last time I've written a post here, it sounded like we're on the brink of ending things already. Well, we're always like that anyway whenever we fight too hard (mainly because of the timely entrance of hormonal changes to the both of us haha!). Looking back, I guess we've already matured enough that remembering those days were like a joke already. Going back, yeah apart from the maturation of our relationship, a lot has changed also into the world.  Politically wise, we have a new president and the irony of it all, he's the son of a previous dictator of the country. Well, good thing I didn't vote as my preferred President-to-be is still focused on his municipality. Guess it would take time for me to vote again. 

Secondly, we have purchased a house. Yay! And all thanks to Tita Eden because without her, it would be super impossible for us to purchase one as we can't have both rent and amortization to be paid at the same time. So now, we're focused on saving money for the materials we need for fixing the house before we move in. Speaking of saving, well, we're not really doing that good as we're in the middle of financial struggle. As you can see, for the past years, we've switched companies and have tried to be on night shift. However, night shift is apparently not for us so we switched back to a dayshift job and well, you guess it right, it's a huge change on our monetary aspect so we're still in a pickle right now on that department. But I know we'll get there, in time. 

Third, here comes COVID. Yeah, pandemic started last 2020 and this made all the huge changes not just for us but for everyone. We were all locked down on our houses. Introverts celebrated of course, but it was slow pain for extroverts. Good thing I consider myself as an ambivert - depending on my mood I can change from one wave to another real quick. Going back to COVID, just when I thought that we were spared, come January 2021 a surge happened and guess what? Yeah, we were infected. Luckily for us, it was not that severe compared to others. We did not experience those days where they have to wait outside hospital doors, patiently sitting under hospital makeshift tents, while the others, were just waiting to die without even seeing a doctor's gown for an initial check up. Too much right? Well, I'm just so happy that the whole world was able to get pass through it. Of course we won't forget those people who have sacrificed a lot, and it's something that we will not be able to forget in our lifetime.

So yeah after being afflicted with COVID 2 years ago, I was again with it this year, and just right before my birth month! This time, almost every one here got infected unlike last time, it was only Bosskiee and I. And because I'm on pandemic leave, I got back to writing because on my 2nd day of pandemic leave, I'm already bored to death! This would be a much enjoyable scene if I'm not alone at this house, and if Bosskiee and I are both here enjoying movie marathons and everything. But yeah, I guess I have to learn not to be bored because I'll get back to work by next week still, so I still have a few days left in my bucket to take on.

Well, what's the bottom line of this rambling I'm doing? I guess even if there are so much unexpected things that may happen to us, it's still nice to be thankful for all the little blessings that we get along the way. As they say, things may not work out at times the way you want them to be, but there's always a reason for everything and that you may not get what you want right now, but in good timing, it will be. 

I may be this bored right now, but looking at the bright side, I am still thankful as I get to rest and reflect on things that I have done and will do in the future. Still wishing though that I still have Bosskiee with me the whole day. Guess I have to stick to myself for now ;)

Quarantine Blues

Here I am again, writing on this blog. Even if no one reads it, I don't know, I still find writing to be one of the best therapeutic ste...